Explore our part-time studies at the university and discover a new dimension of education.
What is the education like in a unified master's degree programme?
A full master's degree is a second-cycle course and lasts for 4.5 to 6 years. The period of study shall also include apprenticeshipwhich is a form of preparation for future work. Only a few courses can be followed in this form of training - they give specific professionand the time to implement them requires determination to develop precisely in these areas.
In order to enter a unified master's degree programme, it is necessary to have completed secondary school and passing the baccalaureate exam - both certificates are essential to carry out the recruitment process. During the course of your studies, you will follow the programme provided for in the course: these are lectures, exercises and seminars, during which you will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. At the end of your training, you will obtain Master's degree and diploma, which allows you to continue your studies at a third level. The master's degree is proof of competence gained during the studies, which confirms preparation for work in the chosen profession.
Choose WSKZ and study in a modern way.
Do you already know what career path you want to take in the future? Or maybe Your ambitions could not be implemented earlier? Choose studia-wrocław.pl and start enforcing your plans - transform the dreams into a real career in prestigious profession. Part-time study at the university will enable you to gain master's degree without giving up your current activities or lifestyle as you like.
During the semester, 5-6 assemblies are organised in Wrocław - City of Meetingswhere you will certainly not be bored during your breaks from classes, and you will gain new contacts with people who are interested in developing in the same area. On a day-to-day basis you will have at your disposal online learning platformwhere you will find all the materials you need to study. You learn when you want - it You decide about your schedule. Join us - study and develop in Wrocław.