Terms of Service www.studia-wroclaw.pl
Definitions used in these Terms and Conditions shall mean respectively, unless the context of their use clearly indicates otherwise:
a) Consumer - a natural person making a legal transaction with the Service Provider which is not directly related to his/her economic or professional activity. In the case of Consumers who are under 18 years of age or otherwise lack full legal capacity, by accepting the Terms and Conditions, they declare that they have the consent of their legal guardian to use the Services and that they will submit their legal guardian's written consent to use the Services, if requested by the Service Provider;
b) Account - a part of the Website accessible to the User, after correct registration and/or logging in (providing the Login and the password to the Account), which allows the User to use the Website and to purchase Services and products offered by the Website, as well as to modify personal data and other elements related to the use of the Website;
c) Login - the individual and unique name of the User, which was given during User registration on the Website;
d) Visitor - an entity that visits the Website free of charge, using the Website's services in a limited manner appropriate for non-registered persons (not being Users);
(e) ODR Platform - an access point for Consumers seeking out-of-court dispute resolution established by Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on ODR in consumer disputes) of 2013-05-21 (Official Journal of the EU.L 2013 No. 165, p. 1);
f) Cookies - small textual information sent by a web server and stored on the website user's computer (usually on the hard disk). The default parameters of Cookies allow the information contained in them to be read only by the party that created them;
g) Platform or Service - the internet portal located at www.studia-wroclaw.pl and its sub-pages and sub-domains;
(h) Rules of Procedure - these Rules of Procedure;
i) Advertiser - a natural person, a legal person and an organisational unit without legal personality, who orders the Service Provider to place an advertisement of his/her own product or service on the Website on the basis of separate agreements;
(j) RODO - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 - on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the EU L No. 119 p. 1);
(k) Undergraduate degree programme - the services provided by the Service Provider on the basis of a programme of study offered by the Service Provider, including through the Service, in the form of an undergraduate (first degree) programme;
l) Master's degree programme - the services provided by the Service Provider on the basis of the study programme offered by the Service Provider, including through the Service, in the form of a master's degree programme (second degree programme);
(ł) Uniform Master's degree programme - services provided by the Service Provider on the basis of a programme of study offered by the Service Provider, including through the Service, in the form of a uniform master's degree programme;
m) Agreement - an agreement concluded at a distance by electronic means (without the physical presence of the parties) via the Website between the Service Provider and the User, the object of which is the provision of Services by the Service Provider also offered on the Website; the provisions of the Terms and Conditions constitute the content of the Agreement;
n) Service - an opportunity to use the Website, provided by the Service Provider to Users and Visitors containing a digital service. In particular, the Services are Undergraduate Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies, courses, trainings, webinars conducted online or made available on the Website, videos made available on the Website; in case of doubt, the Service Provider clarifies that the Service provided by the Service Provider by electronic means within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended) does not fully exhaust the characteristics of the comprehensive Service provided by the Service Provider;
o) Service Provider - Wyższa Szkoła Kształcenia Zawodowego (Higher Vocational School of Education, also referred to as "WSKZ" in these Terms and Conditions), registered office: Plac Powstańców Śląskich 1, 53-329 Wrocław, NIP: 7952214640, REGON: 651432712, entered in the register of non-public higher education institutions kept by the minister responsible for education and science under number 208, established on 20 June 2001;
p) User - an entity that has duly registered on the Website and has an active Account.
(1) These Regulations, in accordance with the content of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended), specify in particular:
a) the rules of operation and use of the Website located at: www.studia-wroclaw.pl and its subpages and subdomains related to the provision of electronic services on the Website,
b) regulates the rights and obligations of the Service Provider, its Users and Visitors.
(2) Before using the Services, please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and confirmation that you have read the Privacy Policy and Cookie policy. Each User, Visitor who proceeds to use the Website confirms that he/she has read the Terms of Use, acknowledges and accepts these Terms of Use and confirms that he/she has read the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, the contents of which are also available on the Website at the following addresses: www.studia-wroclaw.pl/regulamin, www.studia-wroclaw.pl/polityka-ochrony-prywatnosci and www.studia-wroclaw.pl/polityka-plikow-cookies respectively. The user undertakes to comply with the University's current internal legal acts, including rules and regulations. The text of the Undergraduate Studies Regulations is available here, the text of the Rules of Procedure for Master's Studies is available at here
i The text of the Rules of Procedure for the Unified Master's degree programme is available here, which, in the case of services Undergraduate studies, Master's studies or Unified studies MA will also be available in your User Account.
(3) The Service Provider shall, prior to registration on the Website, make these Terms and Conditions available to the Users, Visitors free of charge on an ICT system, which may be freely reproduced.
(4) The terms and conditions of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to the extent not expressly regulated otherwise in the contract concluded between the Service Provider and the User.
(5) The Service Provider may indicate the partners with the help of which it provides the Services, e.g. online payment operators, used by the User. The terms and conditions of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to the extent not expressly regulated otherwise in the contracts concluded between the User and the Service Provider's partners.
(6) All written or electronic correspondence should be addressed to the following contact details of the Service Provider: (i) tel. +48 71 711 99 92 (call cost: charge as for an ordinary telephone call, according to the tariff package of the service provider used by the User; (ii) by e-mail, at the following e-mail address: kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl; (iii) by post, to the correspondence address: Powstańców Śląskich Square 1, 53-329 Wrocław.
(7) The Service Provider is not responsible for the effects associated with the acquisition of additional skills through the Service.
(8) The place of performance of the Contract and provision of Services shall be deemed to be the Service Provider's registered office. The competent court for disputes arising from services provided by the Service Provider to Consumers shall be the court with jurisdiction over the Consumer's place of residence or the Service Provider's registered office.
(9) A working day shall be understood to refer to any day other than Saturdays and Sundays and other public holidays within the meaning of the Act of 18 January 1951 on public holidays (i.e. Journal of Laws 2020, item 1920).
1 The use of the Website by Visitors, Users is voluntary. Prior to registering and becoming a User, the Visitor will have access to knowledge of the products offered by the Platform, the Services and their terms and conditions. If the Visitor/User has any doubts or questions, the Visitor/User may obtain detailed information at the email address kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl.
2 Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be posted in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section.
(3) By registering on the Website, the User undertakes to provide his/her true personal data and, in the event of a change, to update it as well, and declares that he/she has familiarised himself/herself with the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy. The Service Provider is not responsible for the provision of false personal data by the User.
In order to be able to take up Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies, the User must be educated in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. By registering for a Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies on the Website, the User declares that he or she has the required educational background to undertake the aforementioned studies and is obliged to submit the documents required to undertake a Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies via the Platform. In the case of Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies and Unified Master's Studies, the User is also obliged to submit the aforementioned documents in the original version for inspection by the Service Provider under the terms of the Regulations for Bachelor's Studies, the Regulations for Master's Studies or the Regulations for Unified Master's Studies.
In the event that a given Bachelor's degree programme, Master's degree programme or Uniform Master's degree programme requires the student to have full legal capacity, the right to exercise full public rights and/or to make a declaration that their health condition allows them to actively participate in the activities envisaged in the study plan and the curriculum, including the performance of work placements (also in places exposed to factors that are harmful, arduous or hazardous to health), by accepting the Regulations they confirm that they meet the above requirements.
When the User registers on the Platform, a unique Login and password are created. The User shall be obliged to exercise due care in order to protect this data from misuse by third parties and, in particular, not to make it available to third parties. The user shall be solely liable for any damage caused as a result of disclosure of the aforementioned data.
(7) By completing the User's registration procedure on the Website, which results in the creation of an Account, the User warrants and declares that he/she has read the content of the Terms of Use, has accepted the content of the entire Terms of Use and has familiarised himself/herself with the content of the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy made available on the Platform.
8. the Service Provider may temporarily suspend the User's Account in the case of the User's acting to the detriment of the Website or other Users, his violation of the law in force in the Republic of Poland or a gross violation of the provisions of these Regulations, as far as it is possible and expedient after having previously summoned the User to desist from violations immediately, no later than within the period specified in the summons.
9 The Service Provider may terminate a User Account if:
(a) the reasons for the temporary suspension continue to exist for a total of 30 days, after the User has been given notice or
b) in the event that the User expressly requests the Service Provider to cancel the Account.
(10) The Service Provider may also suspend or liquidate the Account if such a request is made by authorised authorities, in particular legal protection authorities (Police, Public Prosecutor's Office, President of the Office for Personal Data Protection and others) or courts.
11. liquidation of the Account in situations referred to in points 9 and 10 above does not result in the deletion of the User's personal data in a situation where the Service Provider processes personal data in accordance with the regulations, in particular if the Service Provider is entitled to assert claims related to the concluded Agreement, nevertheless the User loses the possibility to use the hitherto scope of Services on the Website assigned to the hitherto Account.
(12) The Service Provider shall notify the User of the temporary suspension of the User's Account or its liquidation by means of information sent by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated during registration or to the correspondence address indicated in the Account.
(13) If the possibility of posting comments on the Website is allowed, opinions on the Services may only be posted by Users who have concluded an Agreement. Opinions may only be posted after logging into the Account and via the Account assigned to the User. The Service Provider shall not be liable if the Account is made available by the User to a third party who would post such an opinion.
14. comments and opinions posted by the User concerning the Service Provider, regardless of the place and manner, may not violate the law in force in the Republic of Poland or grossly violate the provisions of these Regulations, as well as be vulgar, offensive, damaging to the personal interests of the Service Provider or others, misleading, have the character of advertising, come from persons other than those entitled to make comments.
(1) The Service Provider shall ensure the protection of the Users' personal data and the data provided by them collected on the Website in a manner consistent with the RODO and the relevant legislation. Detailed information regarding the processing of Users' personal data is contained in the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, available at the addresses indicated above. All questions and concerns related to personal data and its protection should be reported to the following e-mail address: kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl.
(2) The personal data provided by the User will be used by the Administrator for the proper provision of the Service covered by the Agreement and for the purposes indicated in the Privacy Policy and the Regulations, in particular they may be made available to other entities cooperating with the Service Provider. The sharing will be carried out on the basis of the User's consent expressed as a willingness to use the offered service, including through the Service.
3 The Administrator advises the User to keep his/her personal data up to date and warns of the risks associated with omission.
(4) Personal data shall be provided by the User on a voluntary basis, with the proviso that failure to provide such data or the provision of false data may render the Service impossible.
(1) The Services provided by the Service Provider via the Website consist in particular in making all or part of the resources of the Website available to the Users, Visitors, electronically, as well as enabling the Users to use the Services under the terms of these Terms of Use.
2. The service provider conducts Bachelor's degree programmes, Master's degree programmes and Single degree programmes. master's degree programme in a form and manner consistent with the applicable
legal provisions.
3 The Services may be provided for a fee or free of charge. A description of the available Services can be found on the Website.
4 Paid Services are only provided to Users after they have registered an Account on the Website. Paid Services provided by the Service Provider are:
(a) Undergraduate studies;
(b) Master's degree;
(c) Single master's degree programmes;
(d) courses, training;
(e) making video material available;
f) conducting online webinars and/or making them available on the Service and/or Account.
5 Free Services may be provided to Visitors and Users. The free services provided by the Service Provider are:
a) to enable the creation of an Account;
(b) enabling the conclusion of Contracts in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
The Service Provider may also provide other services free of charge to Visitors and Users.
(6) The Agreement for the provision of services electronically in the scope of free services is concluded at the moment of creating an Account on the Website. The Agreement for the provision of services, including electronically in the scope of paid services, is concluded at the moment of receipt by the User of an e-mail confirming the conclusion of the Agreement, unless the Regulations state otherwise.
(7) In the case of persons who do not have full legal capacity on the date of commencement of the Paid Service, by accepting the Terms and Conditions they declare that they have the consent of their legal guardian to use the Services and that they will submit written consent of their legal guardian to use the Services upon request of the Service Provider.
(8) Paid Services shall be clearly marked with an indication of the costs to be borne by the User. For Paid Services, the Service Provider may apply, but is not obliged to do so, at its discretion, discounts, rebates, rebates, etc. The fees charged to Users admitted to the first year of study, starting from the academic year 2023/2024, will be valorised according to the rules set out in Article 80(3) of the Act of 20 July 2018. Law on Higher Education and Science, of which the User will be informed by updating the schedule in their Account. The valorisation of the fees referred to in the sentence above shall each time include the nearest academic year and subsequent years of study. Notwithstanding the above, the User may be obliged to pay additional fees in the amount resulting from the applicable legislation, the Additional Fees Regulations or the information appearing in the User's Account, upon the User's request for the Service Provider to carry out additional activities.
9 The method of payment shall depend on the type of Service provided and shall be indicated in each case on the Platform with the possibility of reading the method of payment before concluding the Contract.
(10) By submitting an offer to conclude an Agreement, the User or Visitor (in the case of free Services) confirms that he/she has read the description, terms and conditions and the Terms and Conditions and that he/she accepts all the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
(11) In order to use the functionalities of the Website and the Services, it is necessary to have a computer with access to the public Internet, an active e-mail account, an Internet resource browser enabling the display of websites (Internet browsers with cookies and JavaScript enabled/saved; browser versions - not older than 12 months) and to have an active Account on the Website.
(12) In the event of any non-compliance of the Services with the Terms and Conditions, the User or Visitor shall cooperate with the Service Provider to a reasonable extent to determine whether the non-compliance of the Services with the Terms and Conditions is due to the characteristics of the User's or Visitor's digital environment. In the event of non-compliance of the Services with the Regulations, the Consumer shall be entitled to the legal remedies provided for by the common law.
(13) The costs of Internet access shall be borne by the User or Visitor (in the case of free Services), also in the case of use of the Internet by mobile phone. The aforementioned users of the Services should familiarise themselves with the transfer (Internet connection) rates applied by the telecommunications operators.
14 The Service Provider uses cookies to collect information related to the use of the Website by the User or Visitor (in the case of free Services). For detailed information on the use of cookies, please refer to the Cookie Policy.
15. use of the Website for the purpose of using paid Services is possible after Registration. The procedure for Registration and Account activation is described in Chapter VI of the Terms and Conditions.
(16) By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to conclude the Agreement by means of distance communication, i.e. e-mail or electronic order form, and requests the commencement (agrees to perform) of the Services before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the Agreement being aware and accepting that he/she thereby forfeits the right to withdraw from the Agreement in the event of performance of the Services by the Service Provider.
(17) The Service Provider may operate a newsletter service, by means of which it enables Users to familiarise themselves with the news and current offer of the Website after they have expressly consented to the sending of commercial information by electronic means. The use of the newsletter service is voluntary.
18 The Service Provider shall not be responsible for the granting and renewal of rights regulated by applicable law.
(1) In order to place an order for the provision of paid Services, including electronically via the Website, you must register on the Website and then enter your personal data via the appropriate tab. Registration is free of charge.
(2) Registration on the Service takes place before the first order for paid Services is placed and consists of filling in the relevant registration form available on the Platform. Completion of the aforementioned form is necessary in order to receive an individual User name (Login) and password for the Account, which will enable the User to access the paid content of the Service, including Undergraduate Studies, Master's Studies and/or Single Master's Studies.
(3) During registration, Users provide their data and information necessary to set up an Account, in particular:
(a) name,
(b) name,
(c) PESEL,
d) e-mail address (confirming that this is the e-mail belonging to him/her, to which a set of data will be sent to enable the Services to be performed),
The user is obliged to fill in all fields marked as mandatory on the registration form. Failure to complete fields marked as mandatory may prevent the registration process from being successfully completed.
(5) The data provided in the registration form must relate to the User who will use the Service and must be truthful.
6 A correctly completed registration form and the Terms and Conditions accepted by the User are saved in the Service database.
7 The correctly filled in registration form and the Terms and Conditions accepted by the User constitute the basis for the functioning of the Account.
(8) Upon completion of the registration process, the User is provided with a password and login to the Service account.
(9) The User accepts the necessity of having a valid, active e-mail address. This address is provided directly upon Registration. The User is obliged to monitor the e-mail address provided on an ongoing basis and, if it changes, to inform the Service Provider immediately.
(10) The e-mail address is linked to the Account, is a necessary form of identification of the User vis-à-vis the Service Provider and will be used for all correspondence related to the provision of the Services.
(1) The Service Provider provides Undergraduate Studies and/or Master's Studies and/or Unified Master's Studies. Upon completion of the course of study, the Service Provider shall issue Users with diplomas of completion of Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies.
WSKZ is the administrator of the Website. WSKZ may enable the provision of the Services also to other non-Consumer entities providing, among other things, Bachelor's Degree Programmes, Master's Degree Programmes, Uniform Master's Degree Programmes, courses, trainings or internships. WSKZ is not a party to such agreements, and concluding an agreement with a third party will take place according to the rules accepted by the User each time.
3 Undergraduate Studies, Master's Studies and Unified Master's Studies are a fee-based Service.
(4) Ordering a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree or a Unified Master's Degree requires registration on the Website in accordance with the Rules. By placing an order, the User makes an offer to conclude a contract.
4a. The service provider may limit the possibility of running several courses in parallel with a view to ensuring the quality of education.
(5) The Service Provider reserves the right to cancel enrolment for Undergraduate Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies or to discontinue them, subject, however, to the obligation to refund the fee for the purchased Service, to the account indicated by the User in the email kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl, subject to the provisions of the Regulations.
(6) The User selects a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree or Unified Master's Degree and makes payment in accordance with the price for the Service set out on the Website at the time of registration for the degree programme. The price of Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies and Unified Master's Studies may vary depending on the payment option selected (single payment, semester payment or tuition fees). The price is indicated when placing an order. When selecting Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies and Unified Master's Studies in the semester payment or tuition fee payment option, payment should be made on the payment dates indicated in the schedule. The schedule in question is made available after logging in to the individual User Account. The selection of a semester payment or tuition fee payment option for Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies does not imply the division of the Agreement into independent parts. For each day of delay in the aforementioned payments, the Service Provider may claim statutory interest from the User. In the event of an overpayment, this shall be credited to future payments unless the contributor, i.e. the User, requests a refund.
(7) Within the selected Bachelor's degree programme, the User shall, no later than at the end of the third semester of study, select a core specialisation offered by the Service Provider. The implementation of the subjects within the selected basic specialisation will start at the beginning of the fourth semester of study. If the User misses the deadline for choosing a core specialisation, the Service Provider reserves the right to assign the User a specialisation of his/her own choice. The User will be informed of this choice by the Service Provider. Once a basic specialty has been selected as described above, the User is not entitled to change it.
(8) Within the selected Master's degree programme, the User is obliged to select a core specialisation offered by the Service Provider no later than at the end of the first semester of study. The implementation of the subjects within the selected basic specialisation shall commence at the beginning of the second semester of study. If the User misses the deadline for selecting the primary specialisation, the Service Provider reserves the right to assign the User a specialisation of his/her own choice. The User will be informed of the above selection by the Service Provider. Once a basic specialty has been selected as described above, the User is not entitled to change it.
(9) Within the selected course of the Unified Master's degree programme, the User is obliged to select a basic specialisation offered by the Service Provider no later than at the end of the second semester of study. The implementation of the subjects within the selected basic specialisation shall commence at the beginning of the third semester of study. If the User misses the deadline for the selection of the primary specialisation, the Service Provider reserves the right to assign the User a specialisation of his/her own choice. The User will be informed of the above selection by the Service Provider. Once a basic specialty has been selected as described above, the User is not entitled to change it.
9a. In the event that the number of Users who have signed up for a basic specialisation proves to be insufficient to launch it, the specialisation in question may not be launched. In that case - if the basic specialty is not launched - the User will select another available basic specialty. If the User does not select a basic speciality, the Service Provider reserves the right to assign a speciality of the User's choice.
In order to carry out the admission procedure, candidates for Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies may be charged an enrolment fee by the Service Provider, which consists of an enrolment fee and an administration fee. The amount of the fees is visible when placing an order. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the amount of the administrative fee during the academic year (this provision does not apply to ordered Services during the course of their implementation).
(11) The enrolment fee referred to in point 10 consists of, inter alia, administrative services related to the documentation to be sent, ensuring efficient service of candidates for studies, including via a helpline, setting up an individual student account, implementation and maintenance of IT systems, analysis of the need for adequate teaching and administrative staff, as well as technical infrastructure adapted, inter alia, to the number of potential students, analysis of applications submitted by candidates for studies, including, inter alia, for individual organisation of studies, and consideration of the said applications by the University authorities.
(12) The User has the right to resign from a placed order, which can be exercised until the order is confirmed by the Website, at which point the Agreement is concluded. Cancellation of the order takes place via the Website, by e-mail to kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl or by phone: +48 71 711 99 92.
(13) When selecting the Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies option with a semester payment or tuition fee payment option, details of the price are included in the descriptions of each Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies course and in the schedule made available in the User Account. In this case, payment for the Bachelor's Degree Programme, Master's Degree Programme or Unified Master's Degree Programme must be made in accordance with the schedule.
14 The User's Account shows the status of payment for the Service, updated each time the Service Provider's account is credited.
15 The Contract is concluded as soon as the User receives the message confirming the conclusion of the Contract.
(16) Undergraduate Studies, Master's Studies and Unified Master's Studies may consist in particular of subjects divided into subjects, tests and a thesis (in the case of Undergraduate Studies if the study programme provides for its preparation) - in the number and scope appropriate for the respective Undergraduate Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies programme.
17 In order to provide the Services at the highest level, the Service Provider shall strive for the application by Users within the Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and Unified Master's Degree programmes of the educational content and the dimension of the hours to the extent that they apply to full-time education.
(18) The user is obliged to diligently repeat the material taught to him/her during his/her Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies and to consolidate the knowledge acquired.
(19) A new training standard in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 25 July 2019 on the standard of education preparing for the teaching profession (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1450, as amended) shall apply to education preparing for the teaching profession. In the event that the aforementioned regulation is amended/repealed, the training will take place in accordance with its amended content or another general legal act regulating training standards.
20 The prerequisite for completing the Undergraduate Programme is:
(a) the achievement of the learning outcomes specified in the programme of study, which have been allocated at least 180 ECTS credits;
(b) the minimum attendance required by the Undergraduate Regulations;
(c) to take the diploma examination, in the form provided for in the study programme;
(d) a satisfactory assessment of the thesis, insofar as provided for in the study programme.
21 The prerequisite for the completion of the Master's Degree is:
(a) the achievement of the learning outcomes specified in the programme of study, which have been allocated at least 90 ECTS credits;
(b) the minimum attendance required by the MA Regulations;
(c) taking the diploma examination;
(d) a positive assessment of the thesis.
22. the prerequisite for completion of the Single Master's degree programme is:
(a) the achievement of the learning outcomes specified in the programme of study, which have been allocated at least 300 ECTS credits - in the case of a single master's degree programme lasting 9 or 10 semesters;
b) the achievement of the learning outcomes specified in the programme of study, which have been allocated at least 360 ECTS credits - in the case of a single master's degree programme lasting 11 or 12 semesters;
(c) the minimum attendance required by the Regulations of the Unified Master's Degree Programme;
(d) taking the diploma examination;
(e) a positive assessment of the thesis.
(23) The Service Provider shall issue a diploma of completion of a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree or a Uniform Master's Degree to a User who has completed a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree or a Uniform Master's Degree in a specific field and profile confirming higher education and a Bachelor's or Master's degree confirming higher education at that level. Within 30 days from the date of graduation, the Service Provider shall issue a diploma of completion of the Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree or Uniform Master's Degree together with a diploma supplement and 2 copies thereof, including, at the written request of the graduate, a copy thereof in a foreign language.
24 The service provider is not responsible for the actions and omissions of courier companies and postal operators.
(25) Documentation of completion of Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies shall be transmitted via courier companies or postal operators. The Service Provider reserves the right to oblige the User to pay a fee for re-sending the Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree or Unified Master's Degree completion documentation via a courier company or postal operator in the event of an unsuccessful attempt to deliver the aforementioned documents to the address indicated by the User and to return the documents back to the Service Provider.
26 In order to issue the relevant documents on the completion of Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Uniform Master's Studies (e.g. the relevant diploma), the Service Provider may request the information necessary for their issuance, in particular where this is provided for by applicable law.
(27) In the event that the documentation confirming the completion of a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree or Uniform Master's Degree requires rectification due to the User's fault (as a result of the User's erroneous entry of personal data on the basis of which a given document is generated), the Service Provider shall prepare and send the corrected document to the address indicated by the User for an additional fee. The User will be obliged to pay a fee of PLN 50.00 to the Service Provider for this, with the proviso that this fee includes the preparation and sending of one copy of the modified document by the Service Provider. The preparation and sending of the corrected document(s) to the User is subject to prior delivery by the User to the Service Provider of the previous documentation containing incorrect data and payment of the fee referred to above.
(28) Each User declares that he/she is aware of the provisions of the applicable law governing the need to possess the relevant qualifications and the conditions enabling him/her to undertake Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies in the field of study of his/her choice, including in particular those arising from the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668 as amended.) and (if applicable) from the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 25 July 2019 on the standard of education preparing for the teaching profession (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1450 as amended), the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of 14 September 2023 on detailed qualifications required of teachers (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 2102), and declares that he/she has the above qualifications and meets the above conditions. Each User also declares that he/she is aware of the fact that courses of study of a qualifying nature offer the possibility of obtaining qualifications within the meaning of the relevant legal regulations once the User meets the conditions specified therein. If the User does not meet these conditions, the studies are of a competence-based nature and enable the User to increase his or her existing knowledge, skills and competitiveness on the labour market.
(29) The Service Provider reserves the right to make changes to the programmes of courses during the academic year, in particular as a result of changes to legislation regulating issues covered in Bachelor's, Master's or Unified Master's programmes.
30 The Service Provider reserves the right to set a maximum deadline in the study programme for the User to submit documents confirming the completion of the internship for selected Bachelor's, Master's and Unified Master's degree courses.
(31) As part of the Service, the Service Provider may make it possible to organise and carry out, inter alia, courses, training or apprenticeships for other entities by providing access to, inter alia, courses, training or apprenticeships in the User Account.
(32) In the event that the User resigns from an Undergraduate Study, a Master's Study or a Unified Master's Study under the terms and in the manner set out in the Undergraduate Study Regulations, the Master's Study Regulations or the Unified Master's Study Regulations, once the Service Provider has commenced providing the Services, the User shall pay the amount for any services provided by the Service Provider up to the time of resignation.
The price of the individual Services can be found on the Website. These are gross amounts.
(2) The Service Provider reserves the right to change the prices of individual Services and products posted on the Website, with the proviso that the change will not apply to Services and products already purchased
(3) Settlement of transactions for electronically provided services may be carried out through PayPro S.A. in accordance with its terms and conditions made available by PayPro S.A. during transactions on the payment platform.
The payment card operator may be PayPro S.A. Clearing Agent, ul. Pastelowa 8, 60-198 Poznań, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Economic Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000347935, NIP 7792369887, Regon 301345068.
(1) The Service Provider declares that all materials and information comprising the Service are obtained and edited with due diligence to ensure the reliability, timeliness and completeness of the Service provided.
1a. The Service Provider declares that it will provide the Service to the Consumer via the Account immediately after the conclusion of the Agreement, unless a different time of commencement of the Service results from generally applicable law, including in particular the date of commencement of the academic year.
(2) In the process of selection of materials for the implementation of the Service, the Service Provider shall use its own materials and those obtained, pursuant to the applicable legislation, from external entities. The Service Provider is entitled to all economic copyrights to all works within the Service, including but not limited to educational materials.
(3) Any copying, distribution or other use of the content of the Service, including that made available through the Account, without the prior written consent of the Service Provider is prohibited.
(4) The name of the Service, its concept, graphic design, software, collected materials and databases are protected by law. The User shall not have the right to commercially exploit, sell, resell or in any other way transfer, copy, distribute or promote the content made available as part of the Service, including through the Account. You shall also not have the right to use the provided content in a way that requires a licence for public use (reproduction).
(5) You are solely responsible for the nature and content of the content you post in your Account and for your participation in activities under the Services provided. The Service Provider shall not be liable in any way for the content, subject to Article 14 of the Act on Provision of Electronic Services. It is forbidden for the User to post content that violates the provisions of generally applicable law, including, in particular, the provisions concerning the protection of copyright, personal rights, criminal law.
The Service Provider is not liable for the actions and omissions of Visitors, Users, in particular for infringement of personal rights, trademarks or copyrights of third parties.
If the User becomes aware of any content posted on the Site that violates these Terms of Use or generally applicable laws, he/she should communicate it to the Service Provider by e-mail to the following address: kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl.
(8) Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the User shall not be entitled to any remuneration for posting content on the Website.
(9) The Service Provider reserves the right to prevent access to those contents which, based on reports from third parties or the relevant authorities, are found to be unlawful or to be associated with unlawful activity.
10. each User, Visitor undertakes to observe Polish and international law, including in particular:
(a) data protection legislation,
(b) provisions on the protection of personal rights,
c) copyright and related rights legislation, including economic copyright and moral rights,
(d) industrial property rights legislation,
(e) criminal law, misdemeanour law or other offences regulated by applicable legislation,
f) the provisions of the law governing the provision of services by electronic means, in particular the sending of unsolicited commercial information or so-called spam, and undertakes not to use any techniques or devices interfering with the operation of the Site's IT infrastructure or aimed at breaking the Site's security, not to interfere with the databases available on the Site, not to take any action or undertake any other activity that is unlawful or inconsistent with the purpose of the Site, in particular resulting in damage to the Service Provider or other entities using the Site, in particular Users, Visitors and Advertisers.
(11) The use of the Website and participation in activities within the scope of the Services provided does not result in the acquisition by the User/Visitor of any rights on intangible property to the works contained therein. Users and Visitors may use these works only to the extent permitted by the Act on Copyright and Related Rights.
(12) The User agrees not to create accounts, groups on websites, including social media, which may suggest in an unauthorised manner that this is an account, group of which the Service Provider is the administrator. The suggestion that the Service Provider is the administrator of the aforementioned account, group shall be understood in particular (although not exclusively) as the use of the Service Provider's logo and name (including the abbreviated name), the posting of materials the rights to which belong to the Service Provider, advertising slogans, etc.
(13) The Service Provider declares that the Service Provider may assert the claims foreseen by the applicable legal provisions against the infringers, including in particular compensation for damages in the form of both actual damage to property (damnum emergens) and lost profits (lucrum cessans) or compensation for damages.
(14) The Service Provider undertakes to use due diligence to provide the Service continuously and uninterruptedly, subject to the need to carry out the required maintenance work or for reasons of force majeure.
15 The Service Provider undertakes to inform Users of planned technical interruptions, which are necessary due to technical considerations, and which result, among other things, from the specific nature of the operation of the Platform via the Internet.
16 The Service Provider reserves the right to briefly interrupt the operation of the Website in the event of planned, ongoing operation and maintenance of the server and the Website software.
(1) The Service Provider shall be liable for the correct performance of the Service and vis-à-vis the Consumer for the conformity of the delivered Service with the content of the Contract. The regulation of this liability is contained in particular in the provisions of the Act of 23 April 1964. - Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93 as amended), the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204 as amended), the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827 as amended).
1a. The notion of Services, as regards Services provided to the Consumer, also includes digital services within the meaning of the aforementioned Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights, which allows the Consumer to a) produce, process, store or access data in digital form, b) share data in digital form that has been uploaded or produced by the Consumer or other users of this service, c) other forms of interaction through data in digital form (in the Terms and Conditions as: "Digital Services"). The Digital Services are related to the technical operation of the Service consisting, among other things, of enabling the Service Provider to make material available through the Service.
(2) Every User shall have the right to lodge a complaint about the Services excluding Digital Services, in particular on matters relating to the performance of the Services, the fees for the Services or the amount of Services purchased.
2a. Any User who is a Consumer shall have the right to lodge a complaint with the Service Provider in the event of non-compliance of the Digital Service with the Contract within the meaning of the Consumer Rights Act. The Digital Service is in conformity with the Contract if, in particular, their:
1) description, type, quantity, quality, completeness, functionality, compatibility, interoperability and availability of technical support and updates;
2) suitability for the specific purpose for which they are needed by the Consumer, which the Consumer has notified the Service Provider at the latest at the time of conclusion of the Contract and which the Service Provider has accepted.
2b. If the Digital Service is not in conformity with the Contract, the Consumer may request that it be brought into conformity with the Contract. The Service Provider may refuse to bring the Digital Service into conformity with the Contract if bringing the Digital Service into conformity with the Contract is impossible or would require excessive costs for the Service Provider. In assessing the excessive cost to the Service Provider, all circumstances of the case shall be taken into account, in particular the significance of the non-conformity of the Digital Service with the Contract and the value of the Digital Service conforming to the Contract.
2c. The Service Provider shall bring the Digital Service into conformity with the Contract within a reasonable time from the moment the Service Provider is informed by the Consumer of the lack of conformity with the Contract and without undue inconvenience for the Consumer, taking into account their nature and the purpose for which they are used. The costs of bringing the Digital Service into conformity with the Contract shall be borne by the Service Provider.
2d. If the Digital Services do not comply with the Contract, the Consumer may make a declaration to reduce the price or withdraw from the Contract under the terms of the Consumer Rights Act.
(3) Complaints, including those relating to Digital Services, the recognition of which is taken over by the Service Provider, should be submitted electronically to the e-mail address kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl from the e-mail address indicated in the process of registration of the User's Account on the Platform or by letter to the address of the Service Provider. The complaint submission should contain the data of the person submitting the complaint and a description of the reported objections.
4 The Service Provider will consider the complaint within up to 14 days of receipt.
(5) In the event that it is necessary for the Service Provider to obtain additional information in order to respond to the User's complaint, the User shall be requested by the Service Provider to provide such information. Making the request referred to in the first sentence to a User who is a Consumer shall not affect the running of the time limit referred to in clause 4 above; the complaint shall also be considered in the absence of a response from the User.
(6) The Service Provider reserves the right to extend the time limit for complaints if the investigation of the complaint requires special knowledge or encounters obstacles, the causes of which are beyond the Service Provider's control, with the prior consent of the complainant given within the time limit referred to in section 4 above.
7 The response to the complaint shall be sent to the User at the User's e-mail address indicated in his/her Account or by post.
(8) In the event of a justified complaint, the User shall be entitled to claims under the Consumer Rights Act.
(9) Irrespective of the possibility of bringing an action before a common court of law, the User has the possibility to use, among other things, the following out-of-court ways of dealing with complaints and claims:
a) a request for resolution of a dispute arising from a concluded agreement addressed to a permanent amicable consumer court referred to in Article 37 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Trade Inspection (Dz.U. 2001 No. 4 item 25 as amended), permanent amicable consumer courts operate at voivodship inspectorates of the Trade Inspection and at their local branches. The list of permanent amicable consumer courts is available on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection: www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php;
b) an application for initiating mediation proceedings, referred to in Article 36 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws 2001, No. 4, item 25 as amended), addressed to the voivodeship inspector of the Trade Inspection.
(10) The User may contact the municipal (district) consumer ombudsman to obtain free legal advice or information on any type of dispute with the Service Provider - irrespective of the location of the Service Provider.
(11) The User may contact social organisations (consumer organisations) whose statutory tasks include consumer protection in order to obtain free legal advice or information on matters concerning any type of dispute with the seller - regardless of the place of establishment of the Service Provider.
12 The User may use the ODR Platform, located at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show&reload=false
(13) The use of out-of-court complaint and redress procedures is voluntary and may take place if both parties to the dispute agree to it.
(14) If the parties fail to reach an amicable agreement, the common court in Poland shall have jurisdiction to settle any dispute.
(1) Subject to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, the User may withdraw from the Agreement concluded with the Service Provider without giving reasons by submitting an appropriate declaration in writing to the Service Provider's address or by e-mail to kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl within fourteen days from the conclusion of the Agreement. Sending the declaration before its expiry is sufficient to meet this deadline.
(2) The User may withdraw from the Contract by submitting a declaration of withdrawal to the Service Provider. The declaration may be made on the form, the template of which is attached as Appendix 1 to the Terms and Conditions. The use of the form is not obligatory - the User may also make a declaration of withdrawal from the Contract without using it.
(3) If the User has requested the commencement of the provision of the Services before the expiry of the withdrawal period, being aware that he/she will lose the right to withdraw from the Contract and the Service Provider has performed the Service, the User is obliged to pay the amount for any services performed by the Service Provider up to the moment he/she has informed the Service Provider in the manner referred to in point 1 above of the withdrawal from the Contract.
(4) The User has the right to terminate the contract for free services at any time by sending a request to the Service Provider to delete his/her Account. The User who is a Consumer shall have the right to withdraw from the Contract under the principles indicated in items. 1, 2 above.
(5) The User shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement in the event of the Service Provider's failure to provide the Digital Services in accordance with the Terms and Conditions after having requested the Service Provider to provide them. If the Service Provider fails to deliver the Digital Service immediately or within an additional period of time expressly agreed by the parties, the User who is a Consumer may withdraw from the Contract under the terms of the Consumer Rights Act.
(6) The Service Provider shall only be obliged to reimburse the price for the part corresponding to the Digital Service that is not in conformity with the Contract and the Digital Service, the obligation to provide which has fallen due to the withdrawal from the Contract.
(7) In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement, the Service Provider may prevent the Consumer from continuing to use the Digital Service, in particular by preventing the Consumer from accessing the Service or by blocking the Account, which shall not affect the Consumer's rights granted to the Consumer under common law.
(8) In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement, the Consumer shall be obliged to cease using this Digital Service and making it available to third parties.
(1) This section relating to modification of the content of the Agreement and termination of the Agreement applies to the provisions of the Agreement in respect of the Digital Services provided. The Service Provider may make a change to the Digital Service that is not necessary to comply with the Contract, namely in justified cases:
a) organisational and legal changes of the Service Provider, due to the need for transparency of the entities obliged to comply with the provisions of the Contract;
b) when a change to the Digital Service is necessary due to a change in common law or a decision of a court of general jurisdiction or a public administration body, including a change that justifies changes to the programmes of courses during the academic year for Bachelor's Studies, Master's Studies or Unified Master's Studies, in order to make the Agreement compliant with applicable law;
(c) where the change is related to technical or technological progress;
d) when the change is due to security reasons, including to prevent the use of the Website, in a manner contrary to the law or to these Terms and Conditions.
The introduction of the changes referred to in this section of the Terms and Conditions shall not entail any costs on the part of the Consumer.
(3) The Service Provider shall inform the Consumer of the change being made by posting the relevant information about the change on the Consumer's Account.
(4) If the change referred to in paragraph 1 of this clause of these Terms and Conditions materially and adversely affects the Consumer's access to or use of the Digital Service, the Service Provider shall inform the Consumer in good time on a durable medium of the characteristics and date of the change and the right referred to in paragraph 2 or 3.
(5) In the case referred to in paragraph 1 of this clause of the Terms and Conditions, the Consumer may terminate the Agreement without notice within 30 days from the date of such change or the notification of such change if the notification was made later than such change.
(6) The provision of paragraph (5) above shall not apply if the Service Provider has provided the Consumer with the right to retain, at no additional cost, the Digital Service in accordance with the Contract in an unaltered state.
(1) The Regulations in this version shall apply from 21 August 2024.
2 The current version of the Terms and Conditions can be found on the Website.
3 The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally amend the Terms and Conditions for important reasons, i.e.
a) organisational and legal changes of the Service Provider;
b) when an amendment to the Rules of Procedure is necessary due to an amendment to the provisions of commonly applicable law or due to the fact that a specific provision of the Rules of Procedure has been declared prohibited;
(c) in the event of a change in the type and scope of the Services and in the terms or conditions relating to the provision of the Services;
d) in order to comply with an obligation arising from generally applicable legislation or an obligation arising from a final court decision or an administrative decision;
(e) the introduction of significant changes to the functioning of the Site, including those related to technical or technological advances, involving changes to the Service Provider's systems;
f) changes resulting from security reasons, including those aimed at preventing the use of the Service in a manner contrary to the law or these Terms and Conditions.
(4) The Service Provider shall inform the User of the Terms and Conditions by posting the relevant information about the change on his/her Account. The User has the right to terminate the Terms and Conditions with immediate effect within 7 days of being notified of the change of the Terms and Conditions. If the User does not exercise his/her right to terminate the Terms and Conditions in the manner specified above, he/she shall become bound by the provisions of the amended Terms and Conditions upon the expiry of the aforementioned period.
5. if there are any questions or concerns regarding the change of the Terms and Conditions, it is possible to contact the Service Provider by e-mail at the following e-mail address kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl.
(6) In matters not covered by these Rules, in particular the submission of declarations of intent by the Users in electronic form, the provisions of the Act of 18 July 2002 on electronic service provision (Journal of Laws 2002, No. 144, item 1204 as amended) and the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 1964, No. 16, item 93 as amended), as well as the provisions of other laws shall apply.
(1) The activities described in these Regulations shall be carried out in compliance with the applicable legal provisions, including in particular:
(a) by the Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1668, as amended).
b) the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws 2002, No. 144, item 1204 as amended).
c) the Telecommunications Act of 16 July 2004 (Journal of Laws 2004, No. 171, item 1800, as amended),
(d) the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827 as amended),
e) the Act of 23 April 1964. Civil Code (Dz.U. 1964, No. 16, item 93 as amended),
f) the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws 1994, No. 24, item 83 as amended),
g) Act of 23 August 2007 on counteracting unfair market practices (Journal of Laws 2007, No. 171, item 1206),
(h) the Act of 14 December 2016 on the Education Law (Journal of Laws 2017, item 59 as amended),
(i) the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000 as amended),
(j) the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 27 September 2018 on degree programmes (Journal of Laws 2023, item 2787, as amended),
(k) Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 7 August 2014 on the classification of professions and specialities for the needs of the labour market and the scope of its application (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1145, as amended),
(l) Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of 14 September 2023 on detailed qualifications required of teachers (Journal of Laws 2023, item 2102).
(ł) Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 25 July 2019 on the standard of education preparing for the teaching profession (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1450, as amended),
(m) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 - on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the EU L No. 119 p. 1).
[this form must be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract].
Wyższa Szkoła Kształcenia Zawodowego, Plac Powstańców Śląskich 1, 53-329 Wrocław.
- I/We(*) hereby give notice(*) of my/our withdrawal from
contracts for the sale of the following:(*)
contracts for the supply of the following:(*)
a contract for the following service:(*)
- Date of contract(*)/acceptance(*):
- Name of consumer(s)
- Address of consumer(s)
- Signature of consumer(s) (only if the form is sent on paper)
- Date
(*) Delete as appropriate.