§1. Protection of personal usage data
The administrator of the www.studia-wroclaw.pl website does everything possible to make the use of the website as comfortable as possible for its registered users and to involve as little inconvenience as possible. Using the Website www.studia-wroclaw.pl may involve the sharing of your personal data to the extent necessary for the proper provision of the service.
The Service Administrator shall ensure that all registered users of the Service www.studia-wroclaw.pl the exercise of rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) ("RODO") and the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000, as amended).
§2 Processing of the Service User's personal data
1. Personal data controller
The administrator of the personal data posted on the Website is:
Wyższa Szkoła Kształcenia Zawodowego, adres siedziby: plac Powstańców Śląskich 1, 53-329 Wrocław, wpisana do ewidencji uczelni niepublicznych prowadzonej przez ministra właściwego do spraw edukacji i nauki pod numerem 208, NIP: 7952214640, REGON 651432712. Kontakt z Administratorem danych osobowych umieszczonych w Serwisie możliwy jest telefonicznie: tel. +48 71 711 99 92 (koszt połączenia: opłata jak za zwykłe połączenie telefoniczne, zgodnie z pakietem taryfowym dostawcy usług, z którego korzysta użytkownik lub mailowo, pod adresem e-mail: kontakt@studia-wroclaw.pl.
2 Processing purposes
The Administrator processes personal data for the proper provision of educational services and services supporting these services, for marketing and statistical purposes, for the settlement of the contract concluded through the Website, and for the establishment, investigation or defence against possible claims.
3 Legal basis for processing personal data
conclusion and performance of the contract - Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA;
fulfilment of legal obligations - Article 6(1)(c) of the RODO, in particular the obligation to keep documents for a certain period of time as determined by law;
legitimate legal interest of the Administrator - Article 6(1)(f) RODO, in particular the implementation of direct marketing activities, the assertion of claims, the keeping of statistics;
User consent - Article 6(1)(a) RODO - in the case of use of the newsletter, in the case of use of cookies, implementation of education according to an individual course .
4 Period of processing of personal data:
Newsletter - until unsubscribed (legal basis: 6(1)(a) RODO);
marketing and statistical purposes - until the purposes for which they were collected have been fulfilled or until you have previously objected to further processing (legal basis: 6(1)(f) RODO) or until you withdraw your consent, including by changing your browser settings;
the provision of educational services, the services supporting these services in accordance with the contract concluded and the relevant legislation, including the mandatory archiving of data for a period of time:
- resulting from the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 27 September 2018 on studies,
- resulting from tax law or until the statute of limitations for claims, in the case of contractual settlements.
5 Users' rights in relation to data processing:
- The right of access to the content of the data,
- the right to rectification of data,
- the right to data portability of data processed for the performance of the contract,
- deletion of data under the conditions provided for in Article 17 of the RODO
- to restrict the processing of data under the conditions provided for in Article 18 of the RODO,
- to object to the processing of data processed on the basis of the legitimate legal interest of the Controller,
- revoke consent, with the proviso that processing carried out prior to revocation shall remain fully lawful,
- a complaint to a supervisory authority if you consider that your data is being processed in breach of the law.
6 Processing of personal data
The processing of personal data for marketing purposes, including the analysis of user activity and information, is also carried out through profiling, i.e. automated decision-making, in order to present general advertisements, offers or promotions (discounts), concerning the products or services of the Administrator and its partners, in a manner tailored to the interests of the specific subject (without significantly influencing his/her decisions).
7 Sharing of personal data
In the case of other educational or supporting services - in accordance with the Terms of Service - personal data may be made available to other service providers. The sharing of personal data, in particular that provided as part of the registration form, may be necessary for the performance of possible services or the use of certain functionalities of the Website, in accordance with the Terms of Service. In the case of sharing, these entities will be separate controllers of the personal data in connection with the provision of a given service (the provision of other educational services or their supporting services).
Personal data may also be made available to entities through which the highest standard of service through the Service is ensured, including on the basis of cooperation with specific service providers e.g. data storage service provider, provider of tools used in remote learning or subcontractors. Such entities process personal data on the basis of relevant personal data processing entrustment agreements. Personal data may also be transferred to public authorities on the basis of applicable legislation. W in connection with the use of social media oonce modern marketing tools, personal data may be shared suppliers of such tools: inter alia. Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Google and also to the marketing agencies serving the Administrator. In the case of possible links to other websites on the Administrator's website, it is recommended to read the privacy policy of these websites when you go to these pages. The Administrator is not responsible for the data protection rules adopted by these websites.
In the case of placing possible links to other websites on the Administrator's website, it is recommended to read the privacy policy of these websites after visiting them. The Administrator is not responsible for the data protection rules adopted by these websites.
8 Cookies
The Website may use so-called "cookies", i.e. text files saved on the Website user's computer, identifying him/her in a way necessary to enable certain operations. Cookies are used, among others, to remember data necessary to log in to the Website user. The condition for cookies to work is that they are accepted by the browser and that they are not deleted from the disk, which allows Service users to have full control over operations related to the use of these files. The Website has a separate Cookies Policy, available at www.studia-wroclaw.pl/polityka-plikow-cookies.
9 Security of files on the Site
All published content is checked on an ongoing basis by the Service Administrator for protection against viruses and malware. The Service Administrator recommends that each and every user of the Service uses the latest version of antivirus systems, in order to avoid the potential danger that is always associated with the use of the Internet, despite the Service Administrator's due diligence.
The Administrator of the Website makes every effort to ensure the security of the personal data being processed, in particular to protect it against unauthorised access by third parties, using appropriate security measures.
10 Transfers of data outside the EEA
When processing personal data, the Controller makes every effort to ensure that data is processed within the EEA. Where it is necessary to use suppliers based outside the EEA, data transfer will take place on the basis of legalisation mechanisms and in accordance with the obligations provided for in Chapter V of the RODO.