Psychological assistance
When studying at the College of Vocational Training, you can take advantage of short-term free support for students struggling with psychological problems, including psychological crisis.
If something has happened in your life that you are unable to cope with, you feel depressed, anxious, helpless, frustrated and angry, and you have no control over important aspects of your daily life, then you are probably in a mental health crisis.
Benefit from the help of specialists, crisis interventionists, psychologists and therapists within the Intervention and Psychoeducation Service of the College of Professional Training.
How to get support - questions and answers
Any person with an active status as a student/student of a higher education institution on a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme can benefit from the intervention support programme. Those on dean's leave may also benefit from the support.
At the same time, intervention assistance is limited to 1-2 meetings, lasting 45-90 minutes, so it is not a substitute for therapy or diagnosis. Its task is to advise on the further steps necessary to solve your problem.
The intervention support programme is for you if something has happened in your life that you are unable to cope with, you feel depressed, anxious, helpless, frustrated and angry, and you see no way of coping on your own.
Intervention psychological support is free of charge for those with active WSKZ student status.
Support is provided off-site, i.e. in specialist offices or online via instant messaging.
Support is provided by professionals such as crisis interventionists, psychologists and therapists who work with WSKZ. Some of them are lecturers in your course, but we will try to ensure that they do not have a class with you this semester.
Under the rules of professional ethics, they are also bound to complete confidentiality unless your life or health or that of others is at risk.
A maximum of 2 meetings can be used by an eligible person during an academic year. These do not have to be used in the course of a single intervention, but the extent of the support provided is decided each time at the first meeting by the specialist providing support. This limitation is due to the fact that not every person needs 2 meetings to solve their problem, nor is every person able to benefit from a short-term form of support. However, we will always try to advise on where and how to find help appropriate to the problem.
One meeting lasts between 45 and 90 minutes.
Intervention support workers are committed to complete confidentiality. In the interests of anonymity of the persons supported, only the coordinator, who will allow contact with the professional and the person providing support, has access to their data. Data is only collected to the extent that it enables assistance. Information about who has come for help, with what problem, how many meetings they have used will not be passed on to the university, lecturers or colleagues.
We will try to put those in need in touch with a specialist within a few days, but if the demand for help is high, this time may be extended. If the limits of the specialists' availability for a given month are used up, the coordinator will provide information about other places where help is available.
Please send your request for assistance with your contact details to pomoc.psychologiczna@wskz.pl.