"Forensics and forensic expertise: science, study, practice".
XXI International Congress of Forensic Science
18-20 September 2025.
University College of Professional Education
Pomeranian University
Polish Criminalistics Society
Lithuanian Criminalistics Society
European Solidarity Centre
Forensic Science Centre of Lithuania
Location of the conference
European Solidarity Centre
pI. Solidarności 1, 80-863 Gdańsk
The mission of the European Solidarity Centre is to promote and actively work towards the ideals of the Solidarity movement - democracy, an open and inclusive society, culture, and dialogue as common, universal values. The aim of the institution is also to cultivate in the memory of Poles and Europeans the experience of Solidarity as a peaceful European revolution, so that in the community of European democracies Solidarity will be an important part of the founding myth of Europe, and at the same time be a source of inspiration and hope for those who do not live in open and democratic societies.

Bruno Holyst
Guest of honour
Brunon Hołyst is an esteemed full professor, habilitated doctor, and honorary doctor of the University of Białystok (2011) and Nasarawa State University in Keffi (Nigeria, 2023). The University of Keffi awarded him the title of honorary professor and established the Institute of European Studies in his name. He is also a consultant for the University College of Professional Education in Wroclaw.
He specialises in criminology, criminology and victimology. He holds professorships at the Warsaw University of Applied Sciences and the University of Siedlce, as well as the title of honorary professor at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. He is the initiator and founder of the Polish Criminalistics Society, the Honorary President of the Polish Society of Mental Hygiene, and the President of the Polish Society of Suicidology. He is a member of numerous international scientific committees and has lectured as a visiting professor in various countries, discussing topics related to suicidology, victimology, and criminology.
He is the author of over 1,250 publications, including 80 books and academic textbooks, which have been published in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, China, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, and Nigeria.
Thematic blocks of the conference
- Human Rights in the Context of Crime Prevention
- Academic Institutions, Law Enforcement, Media, and Non-Governmental Organizations and Their Role in the Crime Prevention Process
- The Contribution of Non-Governmental Organizations to the Development of Criminalistics
- The Role of Politics, Theory, and Philosophy of Criminalistics in Combating Crime
- Forensic Expertise – A Bridging Discipline between Criminalistics and Other Auxiliary Disciplines
- Contemporary Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in Criminalistics and Forensic Expertise
- Specifics of Investigative Activities in Combating Transnational Crime
- Examination and Investigation of the Crime Scene and Other Investigative Activities: Issues, Trends, and Perspectives
- Complementarity of the Criminal Process, Criminalistics, and Forensic Medicine in Combating Crimes Against Life and Health
Members of the organising committee
- Prof. Henryk Malewski
- Prof. Mieczysław Goc
- Dr Bartosz Błaszczak
- Dr Jakub Kufel
- Dr Arkadiusz Smagacz
- Dr Irena Malinowska
- Dr Judyta Bielanowska
- Ms Urszula Góra-Bartha
- Ms Aleksandra Siewert
Conference registration
Download the form, fill in the necessary data (in a text editor or print the form and enter the information manually), send the completed .doc file or a scan/photo of the printed form to kongres@wskz.pl