A practical look at the law - we are launching a series of workshops for WSKZ students
The first workshop in the series "With the Law on You, or Practically about the Law", organised by the Institute of Law of the College of Professional Training, will be launched on 10 February 2025 at 17:00. The meeting will be held online via Google Meet, will last one hour and is aimed at students of Law, Business Law and Administration.
Conduct in court and during the trial
During the first workshop participants will explore the rules of conduct in court - both from the perspective of the trial attorney and the self-represented litigant. Discussions will include:
- questions of jurisdiction,
- courtroom layout,
- way of addressing the judge,
- the role of jurors.
The presenter will be legal adviser Daniel Szalbot, who has many years of experience in legal services for companies and specialises in family law.
Why is it worth it?
The workshop is an excellent opportunity to combine theoretical knowledge with practical examples, which will certainly contribute to a better understanding of the realities of a lawyer's work. The number of places is limited (60 persons), and registration is by e-mail at kolonaukoweprawa@wskz.pl. To send your application correctly, please include your name and your course of study.
At the following meetings, participants will learn about, among other things, the most common court cases and issues related to the drafting and analysis of pleadings. You are welcome!
Read MoreConference "Contemporary challenges for children and young people" - welcome!
We are pleased to announce the cooperation of the Higher School of Vocational Education and the Polish Mediation Centre Wroclaw Branch in the organisation of the conference 'Contemporary Challenges for Children and Youth'. The event will take place 28 February 2025 at 9:00 w Silesia Hotel in Wroclaw. The conference is organised by Ewelina Kościukiewicz-Świerczewska, M.A., who is our employee and President of the Wrocław Branch of the Polish Mediation Centre.
The conference is aimed at to teachers, educators, psychologists, mediators, parents and all those involved in education and development of children and young people. Participation in the event is free of charge. Why take part?
The conference will address important topics related to the challenges faced by children and young people in today's world, including:
- adolescent mental health problems such as anxiety disorders, depression or eating disorders;
- Peer mediation as an effective method of relationship building and conflict resolution;
- school safety and counteracting hate speech;
- supporting children in family situations and in an environment of cultural diversity;
- adapting education to the individual needs of neurotypical pupils.
Registration for the conference opened on 7 January 2025. To reserve your place, please complete the registration form available at: https://konferencja-28-02-2025.grwebsite.pl/.
Participation in the conference is free of charge, but places are limited and the order of registration is decisive! We invite you to participate and work together to better support children and young people in their daily challenges. Together we can change the future!
Read MoreInvitation to the 21st International Congress "Forensic Science and Forensic Expertise: Science, Studies, Practice"
A reminder of a unique scientific event! On the days of 18-20 September 2025 the European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk will host the 21st International Congress on Forensic Science and Forensic Expertise: Science, Studies, Practice. It is organised by a wide range of institutions, including the Polish Society of Forensic Science, the Higher School of Vocational Training in Wrocław and numerous academic centres and international organisations.
What will be on the programme?
This prestigious gathering of researchers and practitioners from around the world will include lectures, workshops and discussions on the latest trends in forensic science and forensics. The programme will include topics such as human rights issues, the use of artificial intelligence in research and methods of combating cross-border crime, among others. The congress is an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge, experience and establish international contacts in the field of forensic science.
Registration process
Please send your application form to: kongres@wskz.pl to 15 marca 2025 r. Potwierdzenie rejestracji otrzymają Państwo drogą mailową, wtedy prosimy o uiszczenie opłaty kongresowej w wysokości:
- PLN 560 - passive or active participation,
- additional payment of PLN 300 - if the content of the article created by the participant is submitted for publication and, once checked, published in separate monographs.
If you would like to submit an article, please send it to: kongres@wskz.pl at the latest by 30 April 2025.
Payment details
If you are interested in attending the event, please make a transfer to the account number:
PLN: 64 1090 2457 0000 0001 6041 7349,
EUR: 76 1090 2457 0000 0001 6041 7327 (SANTANDER BANK POLSKA S.A., KOD SWIFT: WBKPPLPP).
W tytule należy podać: the name of the participant and/or author and the purpose of the transfer (registration fee for the 21st Congress).
The deadline for making payments is 30 April 2025.
What does the congress fee cover?
- active or passive participation in the congress,
- certificate of participation,
- publication of a scientific text (if an appropriate declaration is made),
- coffee breaks and lunch breaks,
- gala dinner,
- Visiting the Permanent Exhibition of the European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk,
- optional excursion.
Requirements for scientific articles
The article should have a maximum of 1 issue sheet (40,000 characters). Each submitted text will be assessed by two reviewers. Following positive feedback, the articles will be published in separate monographs. The following details should be included under the title of the article:
- name,
- academic title,
- the name and address of the institution represented,
- position,
- e-mail address.
For more information and application details, visit: https://studia-wroclaw.pl/wydarzenia/kongres-kryminalistyki/. We welcome researchers, practitioners and, above all, students!
Read MoreMentorLab - your path to professional development!
The WSKZ Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship invites all students to participate in the unique Mentoring Programme MentorLab. This is an innovative project that connects students with experienced mentors, offering support in developing skills, achieving goals and preparing for professional challenges. If you are ready for a new educational adventure and personal development, you cannot miss this opportunity!
Are you interested? Find out more!
For students interested in joining the programme, there are also plans to informational webinarwhich will take place on 5 March 2025 at 6 p.m. During this online meeting, you will learn all about the mentoring, the objectives and the benefits of participation. As a participant, you will learn about the technical details of the programme and the timetable for the next steps. Fill out application form now and join the MentorLab programme.
MentorLab - what is the programme about?
MentorLab is a unique programme that has been developed by the WSKZ Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The main aims of the programme include:
- Recruitment of mentors from among the academic staff of the WSKZ;
- recruiting mentees - students open to personal and professional development;
- group mentoring sessions held in small teams (3-5 people);
- 5 mentoring meetings aligned with the academic calendar;
- completion of the programme by September 2025 at the latest.
MentorLab will give you the opportunity to working in an intimate environment, so that each session is tailored to the needs of the participant. Mentors help to set goals, develop competences and deal with professional challenges.
Why join?
Participation in the MentorLab is for you the chance to acquire practical knowledge, develop skills and make valuable contacts. Key benefits include:
- individual mentor support in achieving personal and professional goals,
- learn practical tips and experiences from experts,
- building self-confidence and preparing for challenges in the labour market,
- the opportunity to work with inspiring people.
How to sign up?
Recruitment to the programme takes place by email - SUBMIT APPLICATIONwhich includes personal data, motivation for participation, areas of interest and consent to the processing of personal data. You will find detailed information on the website of the WSKZ Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The deadline for applications is already mid-February 2025. Places are limited, so fill in application form - you need to act fast!
The future begins today
The MentorLab Mentoring Programme is an initiative that can transform your career. With the support of experienced mentors and working with a team of peers, you can gain an edge in the job market and develop your passions in directions that match your aspirations. Join the meetings and start your mentoring adventure!
Read MoreHow do we build community resilience and security? - join the conference
W obliczu współczesnych wyzwań, takich jak zmiany klimatyczne, konflikty zbrojne czy kryzysy migracyjne, odporność miast nie może ograniczać się jedynie do powrotu do stanu sprzed zagrożenia. Musi oznaczać dążenie do nowego, bardziej wytrzymałego modelu funkcjonowania, zdolnego sprostać kolejnym, często nieprzewidywalnym kryzysom. To właśnie temu zagadnieniu poświęcona będzie konferencja „Odporność miast na kryzysy i zagrożenia. Bezpieczeństwo. Polityki publiczne. Edukacja”, która odbędzie się 28 marca 2025 roku.
Poznaj tematy poruszane podczas konferencji
Event zgromadzi teoretyków, ekspertów i praktyków, aby wspólnie dyskutować o kluczowych strategiach, wymieniać doświadczenia oraz prezentować wyniki badań dotyczące budowania bezpiecznych i odpornych miast przyszłości. Program konferencji zostanie podzielony na 11 paneli, w których uznani eksperci przybliżą ważne tematy dotyczące aktualnej sytuacji związanej z odpornością miast na kryzysy oraz zagrożenia.
Panel I będzie poświęcony analizie sytuacji kryzysowych związanych z powodziami oraz roli społeczności lokalnych i służb w zarządzaniu takimi zagrożeniami. Zostaną omówione doświadczenia gminy Lądek-Zdrój oraz Wrocławskiego Kozanowa z 2024 roku, a także współdziałanie różnych podmiotów (wojska, policji, Straży Granicznej, ochrony zdrowia) w ramach operacji Feniks. Szczególna uwaga zostanie poświęcona roli Sił Zbrojnych w zapewnianiu bezpieczeństwa miast oraz integracji systemów zarządzania kryzysowego w Polsce.
Panel II będzie dotykał tematów zagrożeń miejskich, obejmujących zarówno infrastrukturę, jak i bezpieczeństwo społeczne. Omówiona zostanie podatność transportu publicznego na kryzysy, nowe wymiary ryzyka w przestrzeni miejskiej oraz wpływ prawa i instytucji, w tym Kościoła katolickiego, na bezpieczeństwo lokalne. Eksperci poruszą także problemy, takie jak fonoholizm, narkotyki syntetyczne oraz zagrożenia losowe wpływające na odporność miast.
Panel III to wykłady m.in. na temat roli Państwowej i Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej w zarządzaniu kryzysowym oraz budowaniu odporności społeczności na zagrożenia. Omówione zostaną nowatorskie rozwiązania systemowe, współpraca służb mundurowych podczas powodzi w 2024 roku oraz działania straży pożarnej na poziomie lokalnym. Szczególna uwaga zostanie poświęcona kordonowi sanitarnemu, strukturze ratowniczej oraz odporności samorządów na zagrożenia pożarowe.
Panel IV będzie dotyczył roli Policji w zapewnianiu bezpieczeństwa miejskiego oraz jej funkcjonowania w warunkach kryzysowych. Omówione zostaną kierunki zmian prawnych, zadania Policji w sytuacjach zagrożeń oraz skuteczność programów prewencyjnych. Eksperci poruszą także psychologiczne aspekty odporności, a także skupią się na wsparciu, adaptacji i interwencji w sytuacjach kryzysowych.
Panel V będzie poświęcony roli technologii i sztucznej inteligencji w budowaniu odporności miast na kryzysy. Omówione zostaną zastosowania nowoczesnych technologii, takich jak AI i komunikacja strategiczna w zarządzaniu bezpieczeństwem miejskim. Część panelu zostanie poświęcona cyberzagrożeniom w infrastrukturze smart city oraz metodom pomiaru i wdrażania strategii odporności miejskiej na świecie.
Panel VI będzie traktował o bezpieczeństwie miast w kontekście zagrożeń terrorystycznych, przestępczości oraz migracji. Omówiona zostanie ewolucja bezpieczeństwa w Europie, ochrona inteligentnych miast przed zamachami oraz sposoby państwowego wsparcia w obliczu rosnących zagrożeń. W panelu znajdzie się także przestrzeń na przybliżenie roli miast w strategiach obronnych, wpływu masowych migracji na funkcjonowanie miast oraz adaptacji uchodźców po kryzysie uchodźczym z 2022 roku.

Panel VII będzie poświęcony infrastrukturze ochronnej i odporności miast na zagrożenia, w tym powodzie i sytuacje kryzysowe. Omówiona zostanie rola budownictwa ochronnego, modernizacji oraz obrony cywilnej w zapewnianiu bezpieczeństwa mieszkańcom. W tej części konferencji zostanie przeanalizowany temat schronów w Polsce, znaczenie szpitali jako infrastruktury krytycznej oraz zostanie porównanie powodzi z 1997 i 2024 roku pod kątem danych statystycznych.
Panel VIII skoncentruje się na roli edukacji w budowaniu odporności miast i społeczności na współczesne zagrożenia. Omówione zostaną znaczenie edukacji medialnej, polityki informacyjnej oraz świadomości społecznej w zarządzaniu kryzysowym. Szczególna uwaga zostanie poświęcona edukacji proobronnej, wyzwaniom polityki edukacyjnej w małych miastach oraz wpływowi systemu kształcenia uczniów klas wojskowych na odporność miast w sytuacjach kryzysowych.
Panel IX to przestrzeń, w której eksperci wypowiedzą się na temat roli administracji publicznej w zarządzaniu kryzysowym i wzmacnianiu odporności miast. Omówione zostaną kwestie logistyki, strategii bezpieczeństwa oraz efektywnego zarządzania gminami w sytuacjach zagrożeń. Zaproszeni goście omówią kwestie współpracy administracji z organizacjami pozarządowymi, prawne aspekty zarządzania kryzysowego oraz doświadczenia Warszawy jako przykładu skutecznego modelu działania.
Panel X będzie poświęcony polityce miejskiej i strategiom rozwoju w kontekście globalnych kryzysów oraz zmian klimatycznych. Omówione zostaną wyzwania regionalne, takie jak wpływ wojny na Ukrainie, oraz strategie adaptacyjne miast, m.in. Poznania. Szczególna uwaga zostanie poświęcona zrównoważonemu rozwojowi, zielonej infrastrukturze oraz roli małych zbiorników wodnych w planowaniu przestrzennym i ograniczaniu skutków klęsk żywiołowych.
Panel XI (w języku angielskim) będzie traktował o odporności miast na dezinformację, edukacji oraz zrównoważonemu rozwojowi. Omówione zostaną wyzwania związane z dezinformacją jako zagrożeniem dla bezpieczeństwa publicznego oraz sposoby budowania odporności informacyjnej. Eksperci w tej części konferencji poruszą rolę edukacji przedsiębiorczej, przybliżą działalność tajwańskiej Kuma Academy, a także pochylą się nad tematem strategii zwiększania bezpieczeństwa miast wobec zagrożeń terrorystycznych i katastrof naturalnych.
Why take part?
Conference is a unique opportunity to gain knowledge of the latest strategies and technologies supporting urban development and crisis management. Participants will have the chance to learn about practical solutions applied in Poland and abroad, as well as to establish valuable professional contacts.
Don't delay - you can sign up for the conference by 25 January this year. How to register? It's simple - fill in the form and submit at the e-mail address: konferencja.odpornosc.miast@gmail.com. Each registered participant will receive a named certificate. The conference is free of charge, so join the participants and become part of the discussion about the future of our cities. Let's build resilience, security and sustainability together!
Read MoreThe effect of international cooperation - a joint collective monograph
Under the agreement on international cooperation in the field of science and development, concluded between the Higher School of Vocational Training in Wrocław and the Central-Ukrainian Institute of Human Development of the University "Ukraine", a joint collective monograph titled "The Human Development of Ukraine" has been produced. "Innovative trends in law and socio-economic relations".. The publication is the work of lecturers from both institutions, exemplifying effective international academic cooperation.
Reviewers of publications
The reviewers of the publication on behalf of the School of Vocational Training are:
- Dr Jan Znajdek, Director of the Institute of Administration and Political Science;
- Dr Janusz Bryk, Director of the Institute of Criminology and Homeland Security.
Their participation ensured high quality of the publication.
International cooperation activities
The monograph is part of wider initiatives to support international knowledge exchange and the development of innovative research. The project is part of an effort to strengthen academic cooperation aimed at enhancing the quality of education and scientific development at both institutions.
A shared vision of development
We believe that our partnership will contribute not only to enriching the scientific output, but also to strengthening the ties between our universities. The publication is an important step towards the further development of science and education internationally.

Our lecturer co-author of new monograph on Russian-Ukrainian war
In 2025, the effort Exeter University Press A landmark monograph will be published Tactical and Strategic Insights from the Russo-Ukrainian War: Western Security and Defence in the 21st Centuryedited by eminent scholars Thomas-Durell Young (USA) and Prof. Dr. Jarosław Gryz (Poland). The co-author of this comprehensive study is our lecturer Dr Daniel Damian Kasprzycki.
A few words about the monograph
The monograph, consisting of 12 chapters, is the result of collaboration between experts from all over the world, specialising in security and defence issues. The publication provides geopolitical, economic, social and military analyses of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to understand its polymorphous nature and multidimensional impact on the international security system.
Among the authors is also Dr Daniel Damian Kasprzycki, who, together with Prof P. Mickiewicz, drafted the chapter entitled 'The importance of the topic'. The Black Sea as an Area of Military Operations during the Russian 'Special Operation'. The text focuses on a strategic and operational analysis of the importance of the Black Sea as a fundamental area of military operations in the Eastern European theatre of war.
Important themes and research methodology
The monograph undertakes an in-depth exploration of, among other things:
- the transformation of operational and tactical paradigms and adaptation of the parties to the conflict to the requirements of a network-centric operational environment, typical of fifth-generation wars;
- personnel and material losses, analysed by OSINT methodology during the first 500 days of the conflict;
- impact of cognitive activities (information warfare, disinformation, social manipulation) on the perception of the conflict by societies and third countries;
- air and sea components, which to date have remained under-researched in the literature;
- planning and execution of military operations in urbanised environments, characteristic of contemporary hybrid conflicts.
The holistic approach to the study of the conflict has led to conclusions that are not only of high cognitive value, but also of application in the context of the further development of security strategies.
Importance of publications
Tactical and Strategic Insights from the Russo-Ukrainian War is a unique publication that provides a new perspective on contemporary armed conflicts and their impact on global security. The monograph will be an invaluable resource for analysts, researchers, students security-related majors and those concerned with the practical aspects of defence strategies.
We encourage you to follow our website and social media, where we will announce the availability of the monograph when it is released.
Read MoreMeeting with Dr Magdalena El Ghamari - expert on radicalisation and international security
Join us for two unique meetings with Dr Magdalena El Ghamari - a recognised expert on defence, international security and radicalisation processes. Magdalena El Ghamari is a PhD in social sciences and an international expert with extensive experience working for institutions such as FRONTEX, UNESCO and NATO. Her career has included training and analysis of security threat phenomena in the Middle East, Africa and European regions.
Event details:
- 11 January 2025, 9am-11.15am
Location: UWr, Physics Pavilion - 1 February 2025, 2.15pm - 4.30pm
Location: EU, Room 3, Building P
Each meeting combines elements of a lecture and an interactive seminar, during which participants will have the opportunity to explore issues related to modern security challenges and learn about the mechanisms of influence of various social and cultural phenomena.
This is a unique opportunity to meet one of the leading experts in the field. We warmly invite students, researchers, teachers, journalists and all those interested in the topic of contemporary global challenges.
Read More2nd WSKZ Conference - contemporary challenges of psychological support
Already on 17 May 2025 at 9:00 a.m., we invite you to the Scandic Wrocław Hotel at Piłsudskiego 53 Street for a unique meeting during which experts working with people affected by trauma will share their professional experiences.
The panels and speeches will discuss topics including:
- the specifics of flood and war trauma;
- support and crisis intervention;
- psychotherapy of trauma.
How to effectively support people who have lost meaning, hope and plans for the future? This and many other questions will be answered by specialists, presenting practical solutions and proven methods of support.
Why does psychology matter?
In today's world, full of unexpected and difficult situations, psychology plays a fundamental role in restoring emotional balance and building a new perspective for people who have experienced trauma. The COVID-19 pandemic, war in neighbouring areas or local disasters, including floods, increasingly put people in situations where only professional psychological support can restore hope and meaning to their lives.
Don't miss the chance to take part in this important event that connects theory and practice and supports the development of professionals in the field of psychology and exchange experiences with experts at this important event. Become part of the conference that is changing the approach to psychological support!
Framework for the Conference
8:00-8:45 - registration of participants,
9:00-9:30 - Opening of the conference,
9:30-10:00 - coffee break,
10:00-12:00 - panel session - specificities of flood and war trauma,
12:00-13:00 - lunch break,
13:00-15:00 - panel session - crisis support and intervention,
15:00-15:30 - coffee break,
15:30-17:30 - panel session - psychotherapy of trauma,
17:30-18:30 - poster session and from 17:30-18:30 a talk with the authors will be possible,
18:30 - closing of the conference.
Read MoreV All-Poland Montessori Conference - Wroclaw 2025
We are happy to announce that our University has joined the group of co-organisers of the 5th National Montessori Conference, prepared by the Lower Silesia Montessori Education Centre Foundation. The event will take place on 14-15 March 2025 at the New Horizons Cinema, at ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a/21 in Wrocław.
Conference programme
This year's edition is a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Montessori education and philosophy and exchange experiences with experts from all over Poland. The conference includes an extensive programme of talks and workshops, covering topics such as:
- Peer relations and conflict mediation,
- understanding the neurodiverse child,
- Professional burnout and regeneration in educational work,
- The future of Montessori in Poland,
- communication with seniors with dementia,
- The use of artificial intelligence in Montessori work and education.
The programme will also include special events, including the premiere of the film 'Maria Montessori' - the only such screening in Poland. Meanwhile, a special workshop entitled 'How to be a guide - situational leadership that supports and develops teams' has been prepared for Montessori school and kindergarten principals attending the Child of the Future 2025 Conference. This is a great opportunity to meet, reflect on your own development and exchange experiences on how to build the strength and effectiveness of your teams.
Organisational information
The conference will begin 14 March at 13:00 and will run until 15 March at 15:30. We already encourage you to book a date in the calendar and follow the event. You will find the necessary information here! All those interested in Montessori education are welcome to participate - both teachers, principals and parents and those seeking inspiration in personal and professional development. See you at the New Horizons Cinema!
Read More